You Must Come Back!

In the morning, Mu Chenguang woke up slowly. The discomfort in his stomach made him wince. He opened his eyes and realized that he was lying in a hospital ward.

He lifted his head and saw the girl lying on the bed. She seemed to be pressing on his arm, and his arm was numb.

Mu Chenguang did not dare to move around and wake Wandou up. Thus, he remained in place till the doctors and nurses came to check on Wandou.

Wandou rubbed her eyes and realized that Mu Chenguang was already awake. She was still holding his hand and felt very embarrassed. She immediately let go of him and asked, "You're awake. How are you feeling? Are you feeling better now?"

"What's wrong?" Mu Chenguang asked.

"The doctor said that you ate too much and had indigestion, causing acute gastroenteritis," Wandou told him.

Mu Chenguang was silent for a moment. He suddenly grabbed her hand and said, "Impossible! You must've drugged the food. You want to poison me!"