Sensing Hostility

Wen Shiyu walked out of the ward elegantly in her high heels and only found Wandou at the end of the corridor.

Wandou heard the sound of high heels behind her. She turned around and saw the beautiful woman in the ward.

She was really beautiful!

Her makeup was flawless, and her clothes were all high-end female clothes. She had the smell of Chanel perfume, and she looked like a Barbie princess, exuding an elegant aura.

When Wandou saw her, she could not help but feel inferior.

She was also a girl, but she was so beautiful that she dazzled, while Wandou herself looked inconspicuous.

Wen Shiyu stood in front of her, her eyes full of curiosity and scrutiny. She asked, "Are you the girl who answered the phone this morning?"

"Mm." Wandou nodded.

"What's your relationship with Chenguang?"