Kissing Her

He had always wanted to try his best to change her. At that time, he had thought of all sorts of ways to give her expensive things and bring her to high-end places to help her overcome her inferiority complex.

But why was she so confident in her work but lacking confidence in her life?

"Why? Weren't you very good at organizing your speech when you were doing public relations in Juxing? You were so confident and elegant back then. Why did you become like this now? Is it because you lost your job and became inferior again?"

"You don't have to feel inferior, you know? I'm the one who should feel inferior. I'm the one who loves someone who doesn't love me and has been ruthlessly dumped by the woman I love. The one who should feel inferior and give up is me!"

Mu Chenguang punched at his own heart.

She looked into his eyes and saw the light shining there. At this moment, Wandou was very touched and also very guilty.