The Men Is Going To Do Bad Things To Her Again

Just as they were about to reach the door, Mrs. Wan pulled her husband back and begged with tears in her eyes, "Don't say it, please don't say it. I can't live without my daughter. If you send her away, I won't live anymore."

"That's enough. Don't cry. A dragon has to return to the sea. If it's yours, it's yours. If isn't yours, you wouldn't be able to hide from it for a lifetime."

Wan Dehai pushed his wife's hand away and walked out of the house without looking back. Mrs. Wan leaned against the door frame and kept crying.

In the apartment.

Wandou was woken up by someone's kiss early in the morning. Was it supposed to feel this scary?

Wandou pushed Mu Chenguang away and protested, "You've already asked for it a few times. Is that enough? I'm exhausted!"

"Not enough! I want more! I want to make up for what I've missed in the past few years!"


A certain someone started to work hard again.