The Most Stupid Choice

Mu Chenguang did not think much of it. "Dad, it's actually very simple. I liked Wandou for the beginning. As long as you fulfill our wish, it will save us a lot of trouble. But in the end, you forced me to accept Wen Shiyu. Isn't that strong arming me?"

"Hmph, you're just making excuses. You want to anger your old man to death!"

Mu Kangan slapped the table angrily. "Anyway, I won't let you mess around!"

"Dad, I'm not messing around. I'm serious!"

"You also heard it just now. Wandou's father is the guard for the Wen family's school. Her family is poor, and her upbringing is inferior to Shiyu in all aspects. You chose her instead of Shiyu. This is simply the stupidest choice!"

Mu Kangan said angrily.