Tell Her Your Background

Mother Wan sighed. "It's true. Li Mei'en personally brought her nephew to the door, and they insisted on forcing it. We had no choice."

"This is too much! How could the Li family do this?" Wandou was very angry.

After talking to her mother for a while, Wandou noticed that her father was packing his things at home. "What is dad doing? Is he not going to work today?"

"Your dad is working the night shift today. He's packing his stuff and preparing to move."

Wandou knew about the demolition in advance and also found a place for her parents. "Mom, I've already found a place to stay. When you guys are done packing up, I'll contact the moving company to move over. We can all move over."

Mother Wan looked at her daughter and could not control the bitterness in her heart. "We do have to move, but from now on, you don't have to live a hard life with us anymore."