All Because Of You

"You can deny it! Because you are a despicable person! Wandou has already told me that it was you who caused her to break up with me.

"You came to her in private and insulted her. You even tried using money to sway her into leaving me. Now, what you did is even worse than trying to kill someone with a knife!

"Dad, you've always known to draw such a line between the rich and poor. You're so snobbish that it's scary. If I had a choice, I would rather grow up in a family like Wan Dehai than be the young master of the Mu family!"

Mu Chenguang glared at Mu Kangan.

Mu Kangan felt as if he had been hit in the head by a heavy hammer. He was stunned.

His son's words made him feel like a very failed father!

He thought that everything he had done was for his son's own good, but it turned out that in his son's heart, he was so unbearable!

Mu Kangan suddenly realized his mistake. For a moment, he did not say anything. He only remained silent.