Obviously Biased

At noon, Wen Zhehan asked the servants to prepare a sumptuous lunch.

Wen Zhehan sat in the main seat. Usually, his wife and daughter sat on either side of him. But today, the situation has changed.

Wen Shiyu's usual seat was given to Wan Dou, which meant that Wan Dou was sitting right next to Wen Zhehan, while Wen Shiyu could only sit in the second seat.

This change made Wen Shiyu unhappy from the bottom of her heart. Li Mei'en could tell that something was wrong with her daughter's expression and quickly picked up some food for her. "Xiaoyu, hurry up and eat! In the future, no matter what you do at home, you have to give in to your sister. She has suffered so much for so many years. You should let your sister enjoy her happiness until today."

"You're right. Sister Wandou should eat more!"

Wen Shiyu 'thoughtfully' helped Wan Dou with the food.