A Sudden Need

"I don't need it. I have my own money." Wan Dou refused to accept it.

"Take it. This is a little token from me. If you don't accept it, I will feel terrible." Wen Zhehan smiled. His sincerity was irresistible.

"Okay, I'll keep it first."

Wan Dou decided to keep it as an emergency fund.

"Okay, you should rest early. Good night."

"Good night."

After closing the door, Wan Dou looked at the bank card in her hand and sighed softly in her heart.

She sat down on the bed and called her parents.

Mother Wan was still not used to her new home. When her husband was not around, she was alone. There was no one to talk to.

She sat by the phone in the living room and waited for her daughter's call. As soon as the phone rang, she picked it up.

"Hello, is this Doudou?"

"Yes, mom. Have you and dad had dinner yet?"