A Famous Name

The ceremony to acknowledge their ancestors was held in the ancestral hall. The elders of the Wen Corporation took out their family records and filled in the names that they had previously crossed out.

"From today onwards, Wan Dou, you can use your original name, Qianxi. Your surname is Wen and you have been added to our family tree."

After the elder announced it, it meant that Wan Dou had the name of the Wen family, Wen Qianxi.

Wan Dou followed the etiquette and kowtowed to the ancestors of the ancestral hall. After the ceremony, she officially became a member of the Wen family.

After the ceremony, Wen Zhehan took Wan Dou to the Wen family graveyard to pay respects to her birth mother.

Wan Dou looked at the woman in the black and white photo on the tombstone. Her gentle smile made her tear up.

This was her biological mother, Shen Lan. Even though they had not spent a day together, Wan Dou felt nothing but gratitude to her.