She Should Be Careful

Even though they had the same surname, they were not related by blood. Moreover, it was precisely because they both had the same surname that outsiders thought Li Hou was her relative. Therefore, no one would suspect that they did anything.

Before going to bed, Wan Dou found the dress she was going to wear the next day. After putting on the dress, she put on the dress and looked at the reflection in the mirror.

The effect was not bad. No one could tell that she was wearing a dress.

Wan Dou looked at herself in the mirror and suddenly remembered what Li Meien and Wen Shiyu had said. How were they going to frame her tomorrow? She had to be careful.

The next day, Wen Zhehan and Wan Dou were still at the breakfast table.

Wen Shiyu could not come downstairs to eat. Li Mei'en got someone to bring the dishes up and she waited on them personally.