Embarrassed In Public

Wan Dou was only wearing a dress that cost 320,000 yuan, while Wen Shiyu was wearing a dress that cost more than a million yuan. If this was a matter about looks and temperament, they should at least be friends with her instead.

Wen Shiyu was determined to beat Wan Dou. She endured the pain in her leg and walked over from behind Wan Dou.

"Sister Wan Dou, Sister Tingting, what are you two talking about?"

Wan Dou did not expect Wen Shiyu's voice to come from behind her. She took a step back in shock, and the heel of her shoe happened to step on the back of Wen Shiyu's right foot.

"Oh, why are you behind me? I'm sorry, I didn't see you." Wan Dou turned around and apologized.

Wen Shiyu's foot was already hurting to death. Now that she had stepped on it, she felt like her entire foot was about to become crippled.

She gritted her teeth so hard that she almost broke them. Only then did she stop herself from shouting in front of everyone.