Don't Bicker With Her

Mu Chenguang opened the trunk first and helped him put his luggage in. Then he invited the two of them to get into the car. Today, he would be their driver.

After receiving Wen Zhehan, Mu Chenguang drove back.

Back in the city, Wen Zhehan realized that the car was not heading towards the Wen family home. He asked, "Where are you taking me?"

"To tell you the truth, Uncle Wen, I plan to invite you to my apartment. Wan Dou said that she will personally cook for you tonight," Mu Chenguang said.

"Oh, really? I'm so honored!"

Wen Zhehan was surprised by the change in his daughter's attitude towards him. Not only did she call him dad, but she would also be cooking for him.

He really wanted to know what had changed her mind so much.

He couldn't help but wonder if his daughter had suddenly changed her attitude towards him because she wanted something from him.