A Good Name

From today onwards, she was going to be a mother.

"Wan Dou, do you know how envious I am to see others showing off their babies in the entertainment circle every day? Especially Jing Xi and Boss. Every time I see them having a son and daughter together, I'm so jealous and hateful. But now, I don't have to envy them anymore."

Mu Chenguang even thought that when their child was born, he would have to flaunt every day. He would go crazy and return all the flaunting he had received.

The more he thought about it, the more impatient he became. He really hoped that the child would come out sooner!

Mu Chenguang held Wan Dou in his arms and looked at the report. He said, "You got pregnant at about the same time as President Yi's."

"Yes. Sister Orange is more than a month ahead of me. When the time comes, the child will not have to worry about not having any friends."

"Wow, maybe President Yi and I can be fathers at the same time!"