Don't Call Me That

"Aiyaya, Little Tingting is really outstandingly beautiful! She looks so graceful and dignified. Very good! Come in quickly and let's talk!"

Rong Lihua welcomed them into the house and introduced them to Xue Yating.

After introducing An Zhenguo, she also introduced An Zhitong. Rong Lihua said, "Tingting, you can follow your uncle's seniority and call him Auntie Tong."

"What aunt? I don't want to be an aunt!"

An Zhitong's face darkened. She and Xue Yating looked to be about the same age, but Xue Yating had called her "little aunt." It made her look old!

Rong Lihua spoiled An Zhitong very much and said, "Okay, okay, okay. You guys are about the same age. Just call me by my name."

After the introduction, Rong Lihua held Xue Yating's hand and asked, "Tingting, you have to stay at our house for a while longer this time. I'll let your uncle take you to Rongcheng for a tour."


"How is your father?"

"Not too bad."