Watch Your Mouth!

"You better stay out of my business!"

An Xianming's voice was especially cold and deep. Moreover, his tone seemed to have changed.

Xue Yating could not describe what had changed.

"Aren't you afraid that she will hate you if she finds out?"

"I won't let her know. You better watch your mouth!"

An Xianming's voice was full of warning. From his tone, it was clear that he and Shen Ranran were not in that kind of relationship. Otherwise, he would not have used such a tone to talk.

Xue Yating wanted to continue listening, but the two people in the room might have lowered their voices or they might not have spoken, so she could not hear anything.

Even though she only heard a few random words, it was enough to shock Xue Yating.

Their conversation proved that An Xianming was hiding something from her!

What is it?

She was getting more and more curious!