Something Happened To Him

Xue Yating saw a lot of medical staff rushing in and out. She went up to the two nurses and asked, "Excuse me, what happened here?"

The nurse answered casually, "It's Mr. An Xianming, the president of the An Group. He's in trouble."

Xue Yating grabbed the nurse's hand in panic. "How is that possible? An Xianming should be abroad right now. How could something happen to him?"

"Why would we lie to you? Ten months ago, Mr. An got into a serious car accident and was sent to our hospital. Although he was saved by emergency treatment, he became brain dead. He has been lying in our hospital until now. Today, his heart suddenly failed and the doctor is trying his best to save him. Please make way, don't hinder our work here!"

The nurse pushed Xue Yating away and they left in a hurry.