Why Is It So Uncomfortable?

Shen Ranran deliberately shouted loudly, causing the other customers in the restaurant to look over.

Those who did not know the situation all thought that An Jichuan was about to get engaged to his girlfriend, but he came out to eat with another woman.

Many people looked at Xue Yating with unfriendly eyes, thinking that she was the third party who had ruined their relationship.

The dining atmosphere was disturbed. An Jichuan put down his knife and fork and said, "Ranran, it's time to get off work. I don't have to report to you who I'm having dinner with."

"Yes, that's right!" Shen Ranran did not target An Jichuan, but she did not want to let Xue Yating go. She deliberately asked again, "Madam, may I ask how long your husband has been dead? Do you have the time to eat with another man?"