Unable To Take Any Torture

"That's right. Just thinking about it makes me afraid. After you're discharged from the hospital, don't go there to teach anymore! Just stay at home and rest until the children are born. If you have two children at the same time, you won't be able to endure any more torment!"

Rong Lihua reminded her.

"Okay, I understand. I'll listen to you."

Su Su stood on her toes and looked at her. "Mommy, Su Su is so worried about you! How are little brother and little sister?"

Xue Yating touched her daughter's little hand and said to her, "Su Su, don't worry about Mommy. Mommy is fine. Your little brother and sister are also very obedient."

After that, she chatted with her daughter for a while and talked to her mother-in-law. She naturally talked about the engagement between the An and Shen families tomorrow. "Tomorrow is the day of Ji Chuan's engagement. Now that something like this has happened to you, you can't attend."