Finally Released

"Ji Chuan, I'm not…"

Her tears were not enough to arouse his pity. An Jichuan straightened his shirt and said coldly, "And most importantly, you should never have harmed Tina. You secretly bribed a mentally ill parent to cause trouble at the music center, beat up Tina, and almost caused her to miscarry. Did you know that?

"You must not know that Tina is pregnant with my child. She is the woman I love the most. If you touch her, you are courting death!"

An Jichuan gritted his teeth as he spoke. His voice was so cold that it made people shudder. It was as if he was the king of hell, with a strong murderous intent!

"Just wait for your punishment!"

With that, An Jichuan walked out of the banquet hall.

Shen Ranran cried her heart out. Her meticulous plan had failed.

She was exposed at the engagement ceremony, and An Jichuan broke off the engagement in front of everyone. It was the most fatal blow to her.