Finding His Past Feelings

Xue Yating also introduced her to her daughter. "Su Su, call her Auntie Orange. This is Brother Yi Bei. Hurry up and greet him. Be good friends, right?"

Su Su was very generous. She greeted him politely and took the initiative to run up to Yi Bei. She gave him a big hug and even kissed his face very friendly. Then she ran back to her mother.

Yi Bei was kissed on the face by her little sister. His little face was flushed red and he kept wiping his face with the back of his hand.

"Mommy, does brother Yi Bei think I'm dirty?" Su Su asked.

"No, he's just shy," Xue Yating explained.

Seeing her son like this, Fang Xiaocheng couldn't help but say, "Hey, Beibei, this is very rude. Sister Su Su kissing you means she likes you a lot. Why are you ignoring her?"

"Forget it. That's how kids are. Beibei is a little shy. It's understandable," Xue Yating smiled.