A Little Conspiracy

"Then why don't you want it? If you don't want it, I'll throw it away! I'm not a violinist anyway!"

"No! No! I want it! I want…"

Xue Yating was about to go crazy from being tortured by him. She had never seen him give away anything like this!

An Jichuan retracted his body and looked at her calmly. "Then, do you want it or not?"

"I want it…"

In the end, Xue Yating chose to give in. Who asked her to love that violin so much?

An Jichuan held back his laughter and handed the violin to her. "Take it! From now on, you are the owner of this violin!"

With the violin in her hands, Xue Yating was very excited. It could be said that she was overjoyed. She caressed the violin gently, and a smile appeared on her face involuntarily.

She did not know how beautiful she looked when she smiled. In short, An Jichuan rarely saw her smile in front of him. Every time, she would always pull a long face at him.