Can't Wait To Get Married

Xue Yating was stunned by the question and almost choked on her drink. "Ahem… Su Su, why are you suddenly asking this?"

"Brother Beibei told me. His father and mother are married and they live together every day. When can we live together?"

Su Su was very envious of Yi Bei, who could live with her parents at the same time. She and her mother had to live in her grandfather's house while her father and brothers lived in their hometown. It was very difficult to see them.

Xue Yating looked at the child's longing eyes and touched her little head, not knowing how to answer her.

"Su Su, Daddy and Mommy will be able to get married soon too," An Jichuan said. "Daddy will bring our little brothers over and we can live happily together."

"Really?" Su Su's eyes lit up.

"Of course. Daddy and Mommy can't wait to get married."

In order to let his daughter see their "good" relationship, An Jichuan hugged Xue Yating and kissed her on her cheek.