A Kiss To Seal It

Xue Yating tried to explain, but she refused to admit that she cared about him.

She simply had no idea the extent she cared about An Jichuan. She thought that she didn't care, so she pretended as if nothing had happened.

"Am I that scary?"

An Jichuan finally saw how much Xue Yating cared about him. Since she was afraid that he would get to know another woman, he deliberately provoked her.

"Why don't you tell her my number? It's rare to meet someone who likes me. I think I'm still very charming. It's not a bad idea to try dating. Maybe I can find a new mother for Binbin and Lele very soon."

"Stop the car!" Xue Yating shouted.


"What's wrong?" An Jichuan asked as he stopped the car by the roadside.

Xue Yating turned around and pouted. She said angrily, "An Jichuan, if you dare to find a stepmother for Binbin and Lele, I'll…"

"You'll what?"

"I'll… I'll…"