
The content of the news was about An Jichuan bringing his so-called "mysterious girlfriend" to various events in Rongcheng. The two of them seemed to be very intimate with each other.

There was also a photo attached. Xue Yating could vaguely tell from the photo that the woman was Yun Fenglan.

Had Yun Fenglan and An Jichuan become a couple?

She recalled that Yun Fenglan had not sent her a message recently. Could it be that the two of them were too busy dating to care about her?

If not, how could she explain why An Jichuan had not called her for so long and why he had not called to ask about Su Su about it?

Xue Yating recalled how he had praised Yun Fenglan over the phone. She now admitted that she was very jealous and angry.

Because of the scandal, Xue Yating could no longer stay calm. She immediately decided to fly to Rongcheng and see for herself how far the two had progressed.