Walking Into A Trap

But she was really confused. Jing Xi was naturally on her brother's side, hoping to see them together in the end. How could she help her find her child?

After reading the letter, Jing Xi asked, "Did you call my brother? His number is still the same."

"I did, but his phone is turned off," Li Ruochu huffed.

"Oh, don't worry. I'll try calling the presidential office."

Jing Xi immediately called the President's mansion and asked to see Helian Qingyu. The servant on the other side picked up and told her that Helian Qingyu had gone out for a meeting.

After ending the call, Jing Xi told him truthfully, "My brother is not at home. He said he went to a meeting."

"Then what should we do?" She was really worried about not being able to contact him.

Jing Xi suggested, "Sister Ruochu, since my brother is taking the child away, why don't I accompany you to Estan and help you get the child back?"