Settling Her

They really wanted to tell her: Miss Li, you have to know how many women have tried their best to stay in Jian Jia Lou, but never had the chance. The President has already set his mind on you, and you still don't appreciate it?

After Uncle Lian left, he did not come back for a long time. Li Ruochu was locked up alone in Jian Jia Lou and her heart burned with anxiety.

In a moment of desperation, she thought of calling the police. But if she called the police in Estan and said that the president had kidnapped her, would anyone believe her?

No one would believe her. They might even think that she was crazy and delusional.

Helpless, she could only call Jing Xi again. "Hello? Jing Xi, where are you now?"

"Oh, I'm at my parents' place. I'm going to look for you. How is it? Have you seen the child? I told my brother. He said he'll send someone to pick you up and agreed to let you see the child."