Unreasonable Request

"Turn around and look at me!"

Helian Qingyu ordered once more.

He was an incorrigible pervert. He even forced others to watch him shower!

Li Ruochu really did not want to listen to him. But thinking that her son was still missing, she could only grit her teeth and turn around.

Helian Qingyu stared at her tightly shut eyes and asked, "Are you blind? If you're not, then open your eyes!"

If Jing Xi knew that Helian Qingyu was using this kind of honey trap, she would definitely not approve of him using it. Which girl could stand his method?

Li Ruochu cursed inwardly as she opened her eyes. The man's body that was emitting a strong hormone aura was completely naked in front of her.

The man seemed to be showing off or trying to attract her attention. He deliberately walked back and forth in front of her.