
Li Ruochu had her phone and could call Helian Qingyu. However, Helian Qingyu had either turned it off or refused to answer the call. She had no way of contacting him and did not know what he was thinking.

He wondered if Jing Xi would accept his proposal.

"Miss Li, Mr. President is out now. But before he left, he said that there is an employment contract here. If you are willing to sign it, he will not restrict your freedom of movement and will not interfere with your meeting with the child."

Uncle Lian handed the contract to her. Li Ruochu had been waiting for this contract that would allow her to regain a certain degree of freedom. She held it in her hand and looked through it from beginning to end. After confirming that the terms on it were acceptable and there were no unreasonable requests, she signed her name with relief.