Her Son Had Good Eyes

They arrived near the castle and crossed the lake. Nuo Nuo looked at the surroundings excitedly. It was just like when he saw the castle in a TV animation. He thought that his daddy and mommy had brought him to visit the castle today. He had no idea that he was like a little prince in a fairy tale.

Helian Wei and Jing Ruyue had already gotten someone to clean up the castle and welcome them.

When they heard that their son had brought their grandson back, they were very happy. They had been waiting for this day for a long time.

"Are you here?" Jing Ruyue asked.

"Coming, coming!" Helian Wei hugged his wife's shoulder and smiled.

The couple stood at the entrance of the castle and waited. They saw a man, a woman, and a child coming from the other side of the bridge.