She Really Knows How To Be Sad

Li Ruochu wanted to confirm it with her own eyes. So she asked Ah Wen to send her to the Li family.

After so many years, Li Ruochu was once again standing at the entrance of the Li family. She was filled with emotions.

She was finally back at the place that she had always wanted to escape from.

This was where she was born and where she grew up. Too many memories were stowed away here.


Li Ruochu sighed silently and walked into the Li residence with Ah Wen.

In the Li family villa, her stepmother, Song Juan, was talking to her daughter, Li Min'er. A servant rushed in and reported, "Madam, Miss is back!"

"She's back so soon?" Song Juan asked.

"Mom, she must've been to the hospital. She couldn't see Dad and came here. I can totally tell what she's up to."

Li Min'er analyzed.