Ying Bao (13)

Yi Na planned to help her sister chase after the school prince. The condition was for Yi Rou'er to help her get a good relationship with Princess Cherry.

"Fine!" Yi Rou'er said. "It's her birthday this weekend. She invited all her classmates to her birthday party at the palace. I didn't want to go at first."

Yi Na could not help but scold her, "Are you stupid? This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and you can still go to the palace. Let me tell you, when you get the invitation, bring me with you. I'm sure that the people who are going to the palace to attend the princess's birthday party are all nobles. When that time comes, even if you can't chase after the prince charming, if you can get to know a few of the prestigious young masters, you might even have much greater future prospects."