Ying Bao (56)

Shen Wanxin curled her lips and smiled coldly. It was really satisfying. Even if she could not run Ying Bao over and kill her, it would be good if she could lie in bed forever paralyzed or become a vegetable.

If that was the case, no one would be her stumbling block anymore!

When they left the hotel, Huangfu Xuanye had already sent someone to check which hospital the car accident victims had been sent to. After finding out, they went straight to their destination.

He rushed to the hospital with his men. The emergency room was surrounded by the Dragon Kingdom's bodyguards. Huangfu Xuanye's heart sank. It seemed that Cherry was in a car accident.

He had to show his identity before he could enter.

When Huangfu Xuanye saw Huo Yunshen at the emergency room door, he rushed forward anxiously. "Mr. Huo!"

"Xuanye, you're here!"