Love Comes Like The Southern Breeze (5)

After taking care of her father's funeral, her second uncle and aunt, who had been crying at the hospital, split the final insurance money and ran away.

Qiao Ruoxi was taking care of her mother in the hospital when she received a call from Qin Xuming. "Miss Ruoxi, Sir has left a few things for you. Can you come to Zhongtian Tower to retrieve them?"

"Okay, I'll go there in a while."

Qiao Ruoxi went to Zhongtian Tower and took her father's belongings from Qin Xuming. They were all things that her father usually used.

"Thank you, Assistant Qin," Qiao Ruoxi said.

"You're welcome. This is what I should do," Qin Xuming said politely.

After Qiao Ruoxi left the office, a dark light flashed across Qin Xuming's eyes. He took out his phone and made a call. "She's leaving soon. We can start now."