Love Comes Like The Southern Breeze (8)

Qiao Ruoxi came down from upstairs and went back to the changing room as fast as she could. She had to change her clothes to cover her sorry state.

Qiao Ruoxi was about to change her clothes when she noticed someone pushing the door behind her. She turned around abruptly and slapped her face hard.

The slap made her head tilt to the side and a few bright red finger marks appeared on her fair cheeks.

Qiao Ruoxi covered her stinging face and looked at the furious Yao Lili. "Yao Lili, why did you hit me?"

"Why did I hit you?"

Yao Lili was about to slap her again when Qiao Ruoxi grabbed her wrist and slapped her back.

"Yao Lili, don't you think you've gone too far by beating someone up for no reason?"

"I'll return this slap to you. I don't owe you anything."

"You were the one who begged me to help you last night, and now you're accusing me of stealing your guest?"

"Also, did you write your name on your guest?"