Love Comes Like The Southern Breeze (10)

"You also know that Xuming is a great lawyer with a bright future. He has his own law firm and his career is on the rise. It's a very crucial period."

"I hope that the woman he marries in the future will have a better family background. Even if they don't have the same family background, at least it will be helpful to his career."

"As far as I know, Miss Qiao, your father committed suicide five years ago. The Qiao family was utterly defeated."

"Your mother took you and your brother to live in your granduncle's house. Both of them are not in good health. It would cost a lot to treat them, right?"

"And you. I'm very dissatisfied with your job.

"Even though the Qin family is not one of the biggest families, we are still a family with a reputation.

"It's not that I want to criticize you, but as a girl, it's best if you find a proper job. How many people would be able to remain chaste in a place like that?