Love Comes Like The Southern Breeze (18)

Or was it because she knew her place and took the initiative to leave?

It would be best if she wasn't there, but Feng Yunan's brows were stained with a hint of unhappiness. His expression became dark and scary, and he couldn't explain why.

Bao Juhua broke out in a cold sweat.

'What's wrong? Is there something wrong with the president?'

Feng Yunan was about to leave when he heard a sweet voice coming from the corner of the shop.

"Ma'am, your hand is fair and your fingers are slender. I suggest you wear this kind of ring. Why don't you try it?"

Because of Feng Yunan's arrival, the other employees were more or less affected and lowered their voices. That was why Qiao Ruoxi's voice could be heard without any resistance.

Feng Yunan looked towards the source of the voice and saw a girl trying on a product for a customer in the corner counter.