Love Comes Like The Southern Breeze (22)

A bodyguard had prepared the car in advance. Feng Yunan got into the car at the entrance of the company. When he bent down to get into the back seat, he thought of something and left again.

He got the keys from the driver and got into the driver's seat. He started the engine, stepped on the accelerator and drove off.

The bodyguards and assistants who came after him were stunned. The president actually drove away by himself?

The driver stood rooted to the ground and thought that he was fired.

The car sped up.

Feng Yunan arrived at Fengtian Hospital in the shortest time possible.

Xiu Yi was waiting outside. When he saw Feng Yunan's car, he immediately went up to report everything to him.

Feng Yunan got out of the car with a cigarette between his long fingers.

He took a deep breath and exhaled a white smoke.

Qiao Ruoxi was pregnant.

That damn woman even lied to him having a mere upset stomach.