Love Comes Like The Southern Breeze (36)

Many years ago, she had some history with Feng Yunan's father, Feng Sheng, but that was all in the past.

After Feng Yunan took over the Fengtian Group, he went through a series of drastic changes and pushed the company to a new peak.

But that was not what she was concerned about. What she was concerned about was: [Does he love you?]

A trace of bitterness flashed across Qiao Ruoxi's eyes. She twisted her fingers and pretended to be very happy. "Mom, Feng Yunan and I are truly in love. He is very good to me. His grandfather also likes me very much."

Su Hui nodded. [That's good.]

As a mother, she had no other wishes. All she wanted was for her daughter to find happiness.

The next weekend, the two children did not need to go to school. Qiao Rongjing and Jiang Yan's son, Su Jixiang, went out to play.

After taking care of her mother's breakfast, Qiao Ruoxi took her medicine and went out to buy groceries.