Love Comes Like The Southern Breeze (42)


It was impossible for her to tell him that she had a one-night stand with another man and gotten pregnant with his child.

She could not tell him that his mother had come to her before and said many hurtful words to.

It was impossible between them.

Qiao Ruoxi looked straight into his eyes calmly and told him seriously, "That's impossible, Qin Xuming. You should understand this. I don't love you anymore. I've found someone that I like. Don't pester me anymore."

"Who is that person?" Qin Xuming asked.

Since it was only a matter of time before he knew, Qiao Ruoxi wanted him to give up completely. Hence, she said honestly, "Feng Yunan."

Qin Xuming was stunned for a while.

Feng Yunan…

There was only one Feng family in Yun City, and only one Feng Yunan…

'But why him?'

"How do you know him? Did he take the initiative to look for you? What did he say to you?"