Love Comes Like The Southern Breeze (48)

He walked into the private room and saw a woman in a dark green dress waiting for him.

"Yunan, I knew you would come."

If she had not kept calling him, he would not have come.

"What do you want?" Feng Yunan asked sulkily.

"Yunan, we haven't seen each other for so long. Is this how you're going to treat me?"

The woman seemed to be a little sad. Her beautiful eyebrows were tightly furrowed together, and there was a trace of hope in her eyes, hoping that Feng Yunan would treat her well.

Unfortunately, she was going to be disappointed.

"Madam Gu, if you have something to say, just say it. If there's nothing else, I'll leave first."

Feng Yunan turned around to leave.

"Hey, wait."

Gu Yunjin's heart was filled with sorrow. Being called "Madam Gu" by her own son was really not a good feeling.

Feng Yunan stopped in his tracks but did not turn back. He only left her to face her cold and hard back.