Love Comes Like The Southern Breeze (59)

"No, Mom, that's not what I meant. I just…"

Without waiting for her to explain, Gu Yunjin threw the bracelet in his hand into the pool and said, "Qiao Ruoxi, if you jump down now and get the thing for me, I will acknowledge you as the daughter-in-law of the Feng family."

Qiao Ruoxi finally understood Gu Yunjin's intentions. It seemed that her new mother-in-law was trying to establish dominance and take her down a notch.

However, looking at the water, Qiao Ruoxi felt a little troubled.

It was winter now and the temperature outside was extremely low. The water temperature was also extremely chilly.

Letting her go into the water to get something would be harmful to the fetus.

She could not take the risk.

"Get into the water. What are you waiting for?"

Gu Yunjin scolded. Seeing that Qiao Ruoxi was not moving, she signaled to the servant beside her.

The servant pushed Qiao Ruoxi from behind and she fell into the pool.