Love Comes Like The Southern Breeze (60)

She remembered that when she had no money to buy medicine in the past, her mother would make ginger soup for her whenever she was sick.

Qiao Ruoxi did not like the taste of ginger soup. She thought it was too spicy for her throat.

"This is for the baby. Drink it."

It was to help her get rid of the cold. Feng Yunan was a little annoyed by her uncooperative behavior.


Just as Qiao Ruoxi was about to speak, she sneezed.

You're already sneezing, and you still want to show off?

"Qiao Ruoxi, do you want me to open your mouth and force you to drink it?"

What a tyrant!

Qiao Ruoxi was frightened by the man's fierce look. She quickly picked up the bowl of ginger soup and drank it all in one go with a look of resignation in her eyes.

After drinking the ginger soup, her throat burned and her face scrunched up.

"I'm done."

She meant: Are you done now?