Love Comes Like The Southern Breeze (82)

Bao Juhua was unhappy when she heard that. "Don't, Ruoxi. Everyone is going. How can you not go? Without you, wouldn't our team's unity be ruined?"

"That's right, Qiao Ruoxi. If you don't go, you're not giving Manager Qian face."

There were also people who were making sarcastic remarks. "How noble are they? They won't want to eat with us."

Qiao Ruoxi knew very well that the people in the store more or less disliked her. Although she did not know the reason for their hostility, she would probably be pushed aside even more in the future if she refused to go with them.

After thinking for a few seconds, Qiao Ruoxi made a decision. "Okay, manager. I'll go with you."

"That's right. Let's go," Bao Juhua said with satisfaction. No one noticed the scheming look in her eyes.

They arrived at the Huangtu Hotel and got out of the car. As if avoiding the plague, the colleagues automatically distanced themselves from Qiao Ruoxi.