Love Comes Like The Southern Breeze (107)

Qiao Ruoxi knew that those who offended him would not end up well.

But she still had to say some things.

"Who told you to insult me? I'm also human. I have feelings and dignity. When you insult me, I will get angry too. Now, I've already hit you. Can you kill me?"

Qiao Ruoxi looked at him with her sparkling eyes, as if she was not afraid of death.

Feng Yunan had never seen a woman who was so self-righteous after hitting someone. He wanted to strangle her to death.

He had already grabbed her slender neck, but he couldn't bear to do it.

"Damned woman!"

It made him hate her.

He cursed under his breath and realized that he could not do anything to her.

He retracted his hand and threw a fist at her.


Qiao Ruoxi screamed and closed her eyes.

However, only the wind from the punch brushed past her face, followed by a muffled bang.

Instead of hitting her, he hit the wall next to her.