Love Comes Like The Southern Breeze (109)

It was to make him worry. That was why she had deliberately worn such a thin dress. This was just Wen Ke'er's usual method.

Behind her, Qiao Ruoxi stared coldly at the couple in front of her. They were a loving couple, and there was no need for her to continue wasting her time here.

When Feng Yunan turned his head, he saw that Qiao Ruoxi had already turned and walked in another direction.

She was alone, and the street lights made her lonely back look very long.

Her straight and stubborn back revealed an indescribable loneliness.

At that moment, Feng Yunan's heart seemed to have been hit by something. He couldn't help but call out her name. "Hey, Qiao Ruoxi…"

She never turned back and was as determined as a passerby.

They had agreed to be strangers. She had done well.

However, Feng Yunan felt strangely frustrated.

This woman didn't even say goodbye and just left. She didn't even bother to call her. She was too arrogant.