Love Comes Like The Southern Breeze (132)

"You won't be happy marrying him. He doesn't love you. He loves Wen Ke'er."

Qiao Ruoxi stopped in her tracks and turned around with a smile. "Thank you for your reminder. I know. Who he loves has nothing to do with me. No matter what other people think of him, he is a hero who can sacrifice himself for me."

The reason she said this was because Feng Yunan would always appear at her most helpless moments.

She felt like he was a hero who had overcome all obstacles for her.

"You love him? Then what about me? What am I?" he asked with bloodshot eyes, still questioning her.

"I used to love you too. Now, you're just my ex. I've said everything I should. Goodbye, Qin Xuming."

When Qiao Ruoxi finished her last sentence, she felt a weight on her shoulder. She turned her head and saw Feng Yunan putting his suit jacket over her shoulder.

Her heart skipped a beat. She was afraid that he would have another conflict with Qin Xuming.