Love Comes Like The Southern Breeze (148)

When she saw them enter the Sichuan restaurant, Wen Ke'er ordered her assistant, Little Cannon, "Go, do it quickly."

"Okay, Sis Ke'er."

Little Cannon put on his mask and got out of the car. The nanny van quickly drove away.

Qiao Ruoxi ordered a table of dishes and chatted with Li Yixue as they ate.

They subconsciously started chatting about the past. "I remember when you were drinking and crying your heart out as if the sky had fallen down. I was scared."

"Ahem… I forgot. Am I crying?"

How could Li Yixue forget?

What had happened back then was a pain in her heart for the rest of her life. Even after ten or twenty years, she would still remember it clearly.

"Yeah, it almost flooded the restaurant. You were drunk and you cried out Tang Yebing's name…"

"Don't mention it. Now that I'm finally back, can't we talk about something happy?"