Love Comes Like The Southern Breeze (153)

Many people might not recognize Xiao Kebai's brand, but he was Xiao Kebai's most loyal user. He could tell at a glance that the suit in her hand was Xiao Kebai's brand.

"Whose clothes?"

Feng Yunan frowned.

Qiao Ruoxi felt like she was facing a huge disaster. She touched the back of her neck and forced herself to explain, "Nothing. I was carrying it for someone else."

Feng Yunan stared at her twinkling eyes and quickly recalled where he had seen this dress before. It looked familiar.

He couldn't remember who had worn it for a while, but he remembered that Xiao Kebai's clothes were usually custom-made, and the owner's surname would be printed on the inner pockets of the clothes.

He opened his shirt and checked the inner pocket. To his surprise, there was a word sewn on it—Mu.

How many people in Yun City could afford a suit that was worth tens of millions and had the surname Mu?

"Does this belong to Mu Yunli?"