Love Comes Like The Southern Breeze (156)

Qiao Ruoxi could not help but roll her eyes at him. She had never seen a man more childish than him.

She turned her head and ignored him, but he did not give up. He reached out and pulled her head over, pressing it on his shoulder.

"Close your eyes and sleep until you drool."

He ordered forcefully.

"Feng Yunan, are you crazy?"

Qiao Ruoxi's head felt very uncomfortable from the pressure. She tried to break free, but he would not let go.

"I am. If you don't listen to me today, I'll let you sleep until you do."

Qiao Ruoxi was at her wit's end. She knew that as long as she did not compromise, the man would definitely not let her go.

"Okay, okay, okay. I'll listen to you. I'll sleep. Can you let me go?"

Seeing that she was no longer struggling, Feng Yunan let go and Qiao Ruoxi's head rested on his shoulder.

Since she could not win against the evil man, she had to adjust her mindset.